Belated Mother's Day Wishes

I was out of internet contact for the last few days and didn't get to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day.

First of is my mom, who literally kept me alive the past 8+ years of the anorexia insanity. She never gave up, even when I had, and so did many treatment professionals. "Carrie is chronic," they said. To them, chronic anorexia means hopeless. Not to my mom. She didn't think it was weird to have her 26-year-old daughter move back home (with her kittycat!) into her childhood bedroom and be totally dependent on her parents once again. And then to take all of the late night hysterical sobbing phone calls from the now 27-year-old daughter after she moves out.

Mom, seriously- you saved my life. "Thanks" is so hollow compared to what I really mean, but "thanks" will have to do.

Next up are all of the other moms in my life. The phrase "It takes a village" has become kind of ridiculously cliche, but it's SO TRUE. You have all taught me so much about how to be a person, not just an anorexic. So a little shout-out to:


I am honored to know you all.

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Hope said...

What a lovely thing to brought tears to my eyes and a warm glow to my heart. Giving up was NEVER an option. We just needed to find the right path to recovery.

You're right about it taking a village, too. I'm so grateful for all the amazing "Moms" who have been there to guide you when you needed support, too.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...


You are the sweetest!

Ah... yes "it takes a village"-- indeed! I just wish that village was more of an actual, true-to-life neighborhood, where face-to-face contact and connection(s)were more than via online, c'est ca...

... some day!

Thanks for such a beautiful message and working tirelessly and sharing your own recovery, which I know is never easy.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Carrie! You made me cry. You are so sweet. Congratulation to you on how well you've done and Happy Belated Mother's Day to your mom.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to wish your MOM (Hope) a very Wonderful be-lated Mother's Day too!


Anonymous said...

Carrie - thank you. I am also all misty & verklempt over here.

I am sure that on MD, yours was feeling like the luckiest lady around!


samsi77 said...

My shared pleasure! I am very proud of you and feel honored as well!

Carrie Arnold said...

I should have passed out some Kleenex with all of that, huh?

Harriet said...

Late to the party, as usual--but I want to say, Carrie, that what you're learning to do is mother yourself, which is pretty dang important and impressive. You're light years ahead of where I was at your age.

Luv ya,

mary said...

You really do have a wonderful mom. She shares! We can all learn from her.
You are an awesome daughter!

Hope said...

Thank you, ladies, for all the kind Mother's Day wishes. I'm sending belated Happy Mother's Day wishes right back to you.

Yes, I feel like one of the luckiest Moms around to have an awesome and healthy daughter.

Sending cyber hugs to you all!!

Sandhya Blogger said...

mothers day greetings messages

Sandhya Blogger said...

mothers day wishes

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I'm a science writer, a jewelry design artist, a bookworm, a complete geek, and mom to a wonderful kitty. I am also recovering from a decade-plus battle with anorexia nervosa. I believe that complete recovery is possible, and that the first step along that path is full nutrition.

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nour·ish: (v); to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; to cherish, foster, keep alive; to strengthen, build up, or promote


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