Serotonin, antidepressants, and eating disorders

Earlier this week on Twitter (do you follow ED Bites on Twitter? You know you want to...), I ran across an interesting article about why some antidepressants don't work in some patients. The article was published last week in the research journal Neuron and is titled "5-HT1A Autoreceptor Levels Determine Vulnerability to Stress and Response to Antidepressants." (Clicking the link will take you to the free full-text of the article.) I'll let the opening of the article's Science Daily press release explain the research for me:

An excess of one type of serotonin receptor in the center of the brain may explain why antidepressants fail to relieve symptoms of depression for 50 percent of patients, a new study from researchers at Columbia University Medical Center shows.

...Most antidepressants -- including the popular SSRIs -- work by increasing the amount of serotonin made by cells -- called raphe neurons -- deep in the middle of the brain. Serotonin relieves symptoms of depression when it is shipped to other brain regions.

But too many serotonin receptors of the 1A type on the raphe neurons sets up a negative feedback loop that reduces the production of serotonin, Dr. Hen and his colleagues discovered. "The more antidepressants try to increase serotonin production, the less serotonin the neurons actually produce, and behavior in mice does not change," Dr. Hen says.

Seeing as anti-depressant therapy hasn't shown much promise in the treatment of anorexia nervosa (although it does appear to help treat co-morbid conditions like depression and anxiety), this research could help with the development of new treatments for AN. It also seemed like a good a time as any to discuss the links between serotonin levels and eating disorders. In a 2005 review article, titled "Serotonin alterations in anorexia and bulimia nervosa," Walter Kaye wrote that people with either anorexia and/or bulimia showed alterations of brain functioning in specific neural areas:

Importantly, such disturbances are present when subjects are ill and persist after recovery, suggesting that these may be traits that are independent of the state of the illness. Emerging data point to a dysregulation of serotonin pathways in cortical and limbic structures that may be related to anxiety, behavioral inhibition, and body image distortions...Alterations of these circuits may affect mood and impulse control as well as the motivating and hedonic aspects of feeding behavior. Such imaging studies may offer insights into new pharmacology and psychotherapy approaches.

The serotonin/anorexia connection has been researched over the years (searching PubMed for "serotonin anorexia" gives you over 700 results), and the most recent thinking goes something like this. People with anorexia are generally thought to have unusually high levels of serotonin in their brains, and high levels of brain serotonin have been linked to anxiety and obsessionality. An old BBC article titled "Genetic clues to eating disorders" has a quote from Janet Treasure that explains some of the link:

People with high levels of serotonin are prone to anxiety. Dr Janet Treasure, director of the eating disorders unit at the Maudsley, believes this could be behind anorexic patients' ability to suppress appetite. She said: "In anorexia nervosa the drive to eat can be inhibited, but we know that in normal people who are starved they will kill each other and do all sorts of morally repugnant things, and eat all sorts of foodstuffs that you wouldn't normally touch.

"Yet that doesn't happen in anorexia nervosa, so there's some aspect of the appetite system that isn't working."

The unit looked at the biology of stress mechanisms, in particular the fight or flight response. This is where the body prepares itself for action when confronted by a stressful situation. Heart rate and blood pressure rise and two of what are usually humans' highest priorities, eating and reproducing, are put on hold. It is possible that anorexic people are chronically in an acute state of stress reaction - they are constantly in a fight or flight state of mind.

And by restricting food intake, people with anorexia can lower the amount of serotonin their bodies can make (serotonin is ultimately derived from the essential amino acid tryptophan). This actually makes people with anorexia feel better. However, the brain begins to sense the decreased serotonin production and tries to maintain homeostasis by increasing the number of serotonin receptors. Thus the brain is back at Square One, as it is producing less serotonin but is using the decreased amount much more efficiently. So restricting doesn't feel as good, and the (obvious!) solution is to eat even less. And thus that negative cycle is born and the anorexic becomes trapped by their own brain chemistry.

Refeeding would then increase the amount of serotonin in the brain before the brain has a chance to decrease the number of serotonin receptors. This could be the neurological equivalent of All Hell Breaking Loose and could very well explain why refeeding is so distressing, although I don't think there has been any formal research done on the subject.

In bulimia, the serotonin problem is reversed. People with BN appear to have much lower than average levels of serotonin in the brain, which may be temporarily increased by binge eating.* Purging increases levels of vasopressin, which can have a euphoric and sedating effect, thus making the binge/purge cycle addictive much in the same way that starvation becomes addictive in AN. The chronic low levels of serotonin in BN also explain why SSRIs can be effective at reducing the urges to binge and purge.

Of course, plenty of people cross over from anorexia to bulimia, and I haven't the slightest idea of how serotonin might affect that crossover. So many brain systems are thrown out of whack during an ED that I don't know an exact answer will ever be found.

*The story is, as usual, a little more complicated than this, but the basic idea is the same.


Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie,

I enjoy reading your blog and like that you discuss emerging research on eating disorders, but it often seems that there are several logical fallacies in your reasoning. Please don't take this as an attack, but it seems like you are absolutely determined to construe anything you read as evidence to confirm a very passionate belief that eating disorders are brain diseases. I'm not saying that anorexia and bulimia are not legitimate illnesses that affect (and are affected by) changes in neurological functioining, but it seems to me that the biomedical model of eating disorders (or the brain-disease model you often advocate) tends to be over-reductive and fails to encapsulate the vast complexity of these syndromes.

For example, a few things you might consider with regards to the research you describe in this post... serotonin has been connected to just about every mental state known to man. Trust me, if you conduct a search of the literature and pair the term "serotonin" with just about any psychological term--whether it be an illness or a positive state of mind--someone has found a correlation.

Correlation is not causation. Neuroscienctific research, and fMRI studies in particular, are fantastic at finding connnections between physiological mechanisms (e.g. serotonin levels, specific gene activaitons, or blood flow to certain brain regions) and psychological phenomenon. However, this does not mean that the mechanism was the CAUSE of the psychological phenomenon. Depression may be caused by disregulation of serotonin levels in the brain; or, alternatively, the serotonin levels may be an artifact of some larger process occurring elsewhere in the body. Moreover, the mechanism CAUSING an individual's depression may not even be in the body at all!

Imagine, say, a fruit that has the unique ability to induce depression in whomever eats it. If a scientist looks at a person who has recently eaten this fruit and discovers that his brain is significantly larger than the other people in the population who hadn't eaten the fruit, would you say the man's depression was CAUSED by his larger brain? No. Maybe the fruit caused swelling in the man's brain, which in turn induced depression and would explain his larger brain size. Or, maybe the man became depressed, started spending more time in the basement of his house to hide away, and was exposed to a special type of radiation in his basement that caused his brain to grow larger .... You get my point?

I draw this example to illustrate how one might come to vastly different conclusions about this type of research. I'm not saying that anorexia or bullimia are caused by radiation in someone's basement. I don't know what causes anorexia and bulimia. However, I don't think that scientists do either... and I don't know that they ever will. Eating disorders are complex illnesses. The medical model oversimplifies the human experience. 'Anorexia' may very well be a bracket term we use to describe a great variety of illnesses and disorders. A ten-year-old in China who meets the criteria for anorexia-nervosa may not be suffering from the same 'disease' as a forty-year-old in the United States who meets the same critera.

Just a few things to consider. I hope I didn't come off as offensive or hypercritical. I really do enjoy reading your blog and I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to help alleviate the immense suffering experienced by those affected by these illnesses.

May we all one day come to terms with the meaning our particular ailment (whether it be bulimia, cancer, or a broken leg) has served in our lives and find the strength to heal and journey into wholeness.

Cathy (UK) said...

As someone who enjoys a scientific debate, I would love to have a debate with 'Anonymous' (above).

I don't wish to 'speak' for Carrie - because she speaks very well for herself, but I disagree that Carrie is "determined to construe anything [she] read[s] as evidence to confirm a very passionate belief that eating disorders are brain diseases".

As Carrie has previously discussed on her blog, she could see no powerful environmental/ developmental stimulus (e.g. childhood abuse) for her eating disorder (ED). There is research evidence to support the hypothesis that childhood abuse, failure to develop a healthy (maternal) attachment or repeated bullying can disrupt the development of a healthy, stable identity and lead to a negative sense of self, feelings of having 'no control' etc. In turn, an unstable childhood can result in the developemnt of BPD which is often accompanied by an ED. However, some people develop exactly the same behaviours and clinical presntation when they have had a stable upbringing.

The behaviours of an ED are quite stereotyped, which does suggest some common, underlying brain mechanism - which is most likely linked to disordered eating. In (e.g.) anorexia nervosa (AN), re-feeding does help to reverse anorexic behaviours, although there is a time-lag between being re-fed and eating 'normally/adequately' - and feeling better mentally.

Having scrutinised the research evidence which hypothesises that EDs have a biological basis, I too am too convinced that this is the case. When my AN developed at age 11-12 yrs there came a point when suddenly I felt that some 'alien-like influence' had 'taken over' my mind. When I tried to eat I felt suicidal. Despite my young age, and having no academic knowledge of ED theories at the time, I was convinced that something had gone seriously wrong with my brain. Yet, I had a history of anxiety and OCD.

Having said that, I have also recognised environmental/social triggers for my ED that persist irrespective of whether I am able to manage my anorexic behaviours. As a teen, re-feeding did help me to control my restricting behaviours and over-exercising, but it didn't help my social confidence, a lack of which triggered my AN initially. I have had to learn alternative ways of dealing with my triggers - which don't involve self-starvation and frenetic exercising.

I don't think that anyone would argue that EDs are caused solely by abnormal/unusual brain metabolism/physiology. However, I do believe that it is this unusual neurophysiology that likely increases vulnerability to EDs in the face of various/many toxic social triggers that are unique to each individual.

EDs are not just diseases of a developed world. It is well documented that they exist in developing countries, but have a different clinical presentation.

Happy to debate further...

Hannah Siegle said...

Hi Carrie,
I love you description of "All hell breaking loose" upon refeeding. I was so happy when these studies came out since it validates what I felt in my brain for all those years. I never found SSRI's to help me and only had the side affects from them.

As for the debate...the chronic state of anorexia does have a lot of brain chemistry involved that helps to keep it virtually impossible to simply say"I am done" and let the illness go. That being said the beginning of the disease is very different for each person, and it does take into account environmental factors and can't be all blamed on brain chemistry. Again though, be stuck in the illness does relate back to the brain chemistry. I don't think that Carrie is trying to "prove" one way or another, but rather taking what is out there and talking about it. The fact is that there is a lot of new research about the biochemistry of the illness and if it helps to explain it all then I'll take it!

Unknown said...

No one seems to be excluding psycho-emotional factors in eating disorders.

I see more that the ED community has long embraced variable theories about the role of behavior, emotions, personality and lifestyle issues ... and intervention has almost haphazardly focused on a variety of experiential, behavioral and addiction-model efforts.

Since brain imaging & genetic information is new, it's natural to explore & question connections, whether it's causation, consequence or otherwise. So, when we examine the emerging research, patterns, case reviews, etc., in conjunction with pschyological and psychiatric presentation and what we know about medication efficacy (or not), we have new insight to better understand, possibly, the complex interplay of conditions that manifest in eating disorders.

It would be dim science to ignore emerging information, to dismiss what it might mean and how it might help people, which is what it's all about ... effective treatment to ease suffering, promote education and prevention, guide follow-up, develop cost-effective & empirically-based programs.

Anonymous seems defensive about a "brain disease" model, as if patients are grasping for excuses, to demur responsibility for treatment, compliance, self-care.

Professional treatment is chaotic & not often even evidence-based, perhaps because there's so little evidence to go by. It also explains why patients enter programs that purport to arrive at recovery in all manner of approaches ... but even with the most thoughtful attention to emtions, psychological distress, occupational & cognitive activities, support, and medical care ... it isn't enough.

Even throwing bunches of money and months/years of time at the problem, patients relapse. Consistently. The long duration of illness acuity is part of its described course. Yet, some providers & programs will say if patients just submit to a particular philosophy, they will get & feel better.

In any supportive, treatment environment, patients may have the structure needed for symptom remission & may feel inspired to do better. But, if there was a particular way, truth & light, it could be replicated for all patients.

What we then consider is that, despite intensive attention to symptoms & emotion, maybe the brain didn't change (which we know to be true from recent studies). That "why-do-I-feel-worse/no-better-even-though ..." thing leads to self-blame and frustration when nutrition is restored and one has processed a lifetime's worth of issues.

Some patients have learned to override the thoughts and the seemingly internal drive.

Patients who go to strict refeeding programs with few "feel-good" components may complain of the milieu, but they seem to be just as likely or unlikely to get better by any degree. God, horses, art, emoting, journaling, yoga, psycho-education, nutrition counseling, biofeedback ... any and all of it may or may not help, but if any one thing *did* help, consistently, everyone would be doing that and people would get better, faster and easier.

So far, CBT and DBT are the most promising interventions, along with prozac for those with bulimia. For children and adolescents, family-based care has been shown effective (which might further lead us to conclude that the developmental phase/brain susceptibility to change + supportive care is key).

The best treatment still seems to mostly consist of breaking the cycle of starvation or bulimia; restoring weight & nutrition; teaching coping skills; building a support network; maintaining intense structure; and treating whatever cluster of concurrent/co-morbid psychiatric symptoms.

No matter the etiology, it's all about the brain in one way or another, and whether there are organic issues, causative, consequential or incidental findings, the more we know, the better ... for patients, families, and society.

A:) said...

I really don't understand this divide. Why can it not be both? Why could causation not be both environmental AND genetic. Why does it have to be primarily one or the other.

We know from looking at twin studies that AN is NOT 100%genetic. Concordance rates are not 100% and similar to schizophrenia, if one twin gets anorexia it does not necessarily follow that the other will.

However, we know that those with ED occurence in their families have an increased tendency to develop the illness. This points to SOME genetic factor or underlying biological cause. The predisposition is inherited -- the DISORDER is not.

I agree with anon -- as a university student studying neuroscience and statistics correlation does NOT mean causation. We cannot 100% say that these brain changes caused the disorder or that they were even there before onset.

However, I think we can hypothesize from what we know about serotonergic systems and the brain that once these changes DO take place they hinder recovery.

M -- I don't believe refeeding alone is enough to cure AN. If that were true, then weight restoration followed by a period of enforced stability would lead to remission or recovery. It is possible to relapse even years after weight restoration with reoccurence of stress, etc.

Also, I don't believe therapy, horses or "God, etc. can cure AN. On the other hand, I don't believe full nutrition can cure AN. I think these factors working TOGETHER have merit in the same manner as therapy and antidepressants have been shown to have better outcome rates in depression than either regime alone.

It seems that there is the FBT/biological/brain disease camp and then there is the airy fairy psychological camp. This is RIDICULOUS -- look at EVERY other freaking dichotomy in psychology and the solution is usually an integration of the two.

End rant.


Katie said...

I am fascinated by the link with serotonin, because I had dreadful reactions to every antidepressant I was put on from the age of 16 - seven years before I first got to a low weight. I had an eating disorder back then, but I didn't meet the criteria for anorexia until I was 23. SSRIs made me suicidal and effexor, which I think is an SNRI, made me alternately suicidal and manic. I think I had every side effect known to man! I'm glad there's a potential explanation.

On the nature/nurture debate, I agree with M and Cathy. It's clear to me that there are biological processes behind eating disorders, and coming to that understanding has actually made all the difference in my recovery. Now anorexia is something to fight rather than a part of me. Of course people are going to assign meaning to their experience, but so do people with other more clearly biological disorders - my ex has bipolar I and when he was younger he believed that he could overcome it by getting over a rough breakup with his first girlfriend (not me!). It took him a long time to accept that his illness was due to a chemical imbalance. It took me a long time as well - I spent years in therapy teasing out meanings and causes, and but ending up with a list of reasons why I was sick didn't do a thing to help me change. What did help was learning to put my anorexic thoughts in the proper context of symptoms of an illness, not reality. I still see a therapist now but it's just for support, not to dig up dirt.

To A - I don't see M saying that refeeding alone is the answer, she mentioned CBT and DBT as effective therapies. Also, I'm not overly familiar with the subject, but I was reading about epigenetics recently and that seemed to be a very interesting way of explaining the results of twin studies.

Thanks for such an interesting post Carrie :)

A:) said...


I'm not saying that it is one or the other -- just that it doesn't look as if it is only environment or only genetics/biology.

I agree that there are biological processes behind eating disorders and I think I made that clear in my first post -- I am just not completely convinced that one can develop an eating disorder in a vacuum -- environment plays a role. It is more likely that environment and biology have an integrated effect to produce the disorder such the disorder is neither wholey organic or psychological.

You mention epigenics and that is quite interesting. I think it is possible the environmental factors CAN alter gene expression such that certain genes are turned on/off. It would mean that the environment has a powerful role in determining disease/illness and cure.

For example: it was recently found that in a study about type II diabetes, exercise/healthy diet in suffering participants improved insulin function compared to the control group. So I think altering environment and behaviour does have a powerful effect on the brain. We cannot simply isolate an illness as a brain disease or a psychological problem. As you stated, there are interactions.

Can you explain more about epigenics and twin studies? I would be interested to hear it.



Unknown said...

A ... I *was* saying EDs are a complex interplay of neurology, psychology, personaly, circumstances, etc.

And, I wasn't promoting FBT ... just pointing it out among the approaches and underscoring it as one of the only treatments that has garnered some clinical endorsement (along with CBT, DBT and particular medications for particular patients and for specific conditions).

I *don't* believe that nutrition alone can cure anorexia ... and I think I pointed that out when I noted the disparity in patients who are weight-restored and have a ton of therapy/processing under the bridge ... but still struggle with the eating disorder. Food didn't fix it. Therapy didn't fix it. Spitting in the wind doesn't fix it.

Exploring the neurology and parts of the brain that we previously haven't had ready access to question is just the next/current frontier in the search for effective treatment for eating disorders.

My biggest peeve is the promotion of any one thing/approach/idea is the golden ticket, since no one treatment has been proven scientifically. End of *my* rant :)

Carrie Arnold said...


Well, to be honest, I probably *am* biased. I favor ideas with evidence, and I'm not going to apologize for it or try to defend it. The blog is what it is. I don't pretend to be totally unbiased, although I try to be as objective as possible. Anyone who says they can be totally unbiased is either delusional or they're lying.

I am more than aware that serotonin has links to many different conditions and organ systems. The "serotonin anorexia" search was my way of showing that the links between serotonin and anorexia weren't just my own Cockamamie Ideas, and that research on the subject had been going on for many years. I am well aware that a PubMed search proves nothing.

I don't generally talk about my grad school work, in part because it's not always relevant and in part because I don't like to seem all high and mighty because I have gone to grad school. But I have a Master's in Public Health in Epidemiology- I know darn well the differences between correlation and causation and I NEVER said in this post that abnormalities in serotonin cause anorexia. Just as you mentioned that I seemed biased in favor of the brain disease model, it seems that your own bias against the model made you see high-serotonin-causes-anorexia when it really wasn't there.

The fact is, no one knows what causes anorexia and I have never ONCE said that it's all biology. An eating disorder is a complex combination of nature and nurture, culture and chemistry. Do I think that a biological predisposition is sufficient to cause an eating disorder? No. Do I think a biological predisposition is necessary before an ED can be triggered? Absolutely. Anyone who says "I know what causes eating disorders" is likely (pardon my French) completely full of shit. We don't know. But the evidence also points to a role for serotonin in the etiology of eating disorders.

(To be continued)...

Carrie Arnold said...

...Continued from above.

You mention the brain size. And indeed, if it was one person who was depressed and happened to have a big brain, I would agree with you 100% that it could darn well be a coincidence. But if you measured the head circumference of a number of people with depression and compared it to the head circumference of people without depression and found that, on average, the people with depression had a larger head size, then you would be amiss not to look into that further. If you repeated these studies in different cultures and in people of different ages and tried to look before, during, and after the depression went into remission, you might be able to make some good data about the connection of head size and depression. Why? You have LOTS OF DATA. One person is an interesting story, it's what's known in the research world as a case study. I didn't use case studies for this post- I used larger experiments (though the sample sizes were relatively small). Because anorexia and bulimia are relatively rare conditions, it would be time consuming and rather expensive to follow a group of girls who don't have eating disorders and regularly measure serotonin levels and see who gets EDs and who doesn't and what the connection might be. I'd love to see it done, but I'm guessing it would be cost prohibitive.

I fully agree that fMRI isn't perfect, and we don't know whether the serotonin abnormalities are the result of the ED or an underlying cause. What we do know is that people typically have the same personality traits after recovery as they did before, and we also know that higher levels of brain serotonin are linked to feelings of high anxiety. Thus, it's not unreasonable to make the connection that high serotonin levels probably existed before the onset of the AN.

I'm not sure why people are so quick to call biology a reductionist approach to eating disorders. To me, biology is a rich wonderful field that only opens up many avenues of trying to figure out what causes EDs and how we can treat them. We are biological beings, as much as we are cultural ones. People have no problem saying that a 10 year old Chinese girl with diabetes and a 40 year old American man with diabetes have the same disease. Why should it be different for the brain? Of course their experiences of an illness and the meanings they ascribe to their symptoms and how they understand their illness are going to be different. Even identical twins would probably understand the same illness from different perspectives. But that doesn't mean the diseases are different.

Katie said...

This won't add anything to the discussion but wow, brilliant reply Carrie! I actually want to say something like 'awesome' or 'epic' but that would make me sound like I was 15 rather than 25, so I will resist temptation...

A:) said...

Hey Carrie,

I didn't mean to make any waves or piss anyone off. I agree with you 100% and I think sometimes when we all have strong feelings about a certain school of thought we lose sight of the fact that we actually agree with each other. . .

I was wondering though -- depression is often comorbid with AN -- either before onset or after weight restoration. How do you think this relates to AN as a surplus of serotonin?


Carrie Arnold said...


No, you raised some very good points. I hope this blog does encourage debate and the exchange of information in a civil, respectful manner. You have nothing to apologize for.

With respect to the relationship between AN, depression, and serotonin, that is a confusing one. I've been meaning to ask Walt Kaye about this (having his information is often feeling like I have a personal phone line to god!) and I'll have to do so. What I do know from my research is that the links between anxiety and anorexia are much stronger than depression and anorexia--although a link still exists between AN and depression. It's really one of the $15 million questions in ED research out there right now. I'll let you know what I find out!

Carrie Arnold said...


Why thank you! ;) You're pretty awesome and rad, too.

Katy said...

Given the high comorbidity of anxiety & depression diagnoses (I want to say close to 50% of people w/ one have the other, but I can't remember where that stat came from so don't hold me to it) it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that one would be associated with high levels of serotonin & the other with low levels. Happen to know of any research that might clear that up? My curiosity has been piqued...

Katy said...

Hehe, I just read thru the posts, & I guess I'm not the only one wondering about how comorbid illnesses & differing levels of serotonin fit together...sorry to (essentially) repeat the question! Someone seriously needs to do a study on this to make this make sense or I'm going to obsess over it for days. :-)

Jessi said...

why do people post anonymously when they are being constructive/argumentative/critical (?) hmmmm

i like all the points you have raised Carrie and accept that this is a blog and never take it for anything other than that. I appreciate all you share! I like to have my thoughts questioned and really respect that you do this for me and so many others. :)

Tech said...

Antidepressants are given out like candy these days. It's an easy fix.

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

I agree with you in some cases it does appear to help treat co-morbid conditions like depression and anxiety. It's really a nice story, not so complicated.

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Big Thanks to Margret for showing up to my house and introduce Dr Olorun to me who cure me from this deadly Anorexia Nervosa disease. Dr Olorun has been faithful and truthful to work with. ever since the day i contacted him he has assure me his powers are sufficent to cure me and now am a living testimony. i have been cured finally and am fully healed by Dr Olorun, and now i want to use this medium to announce to everyone suffering from Anorexia Nervosa to contact Dr Olorun now get your treatment and cured immediately, email dr now at;

Alfred Susan said...

I am Alfred Susan, from New york, USA I can’t stop thanking DR Worrior Africa for this Great thing that he has done in my life, I am so grateful to him, i was suffering from HIV virus for 11years,when i contacted DR Worrior Africa after reading the wonderful testimony that people has been sharing about him. I have being on medication and trying looking for cure to my ailment. I went through internet doctors and i contacted a Tradomedical/Traditional doctor named, Dr. Worrior Africa for help. He give me all his rules and regulations,that if he cured me that I should write about him on internet site and that is what I’m doing now. He assure me that he will cure me with his herbal medicine which he really did, and I’m now completely cured from HIV virus. What will i say rather than thanking him for saving me. Why suffering in silence when there is remedy to your diseases.Dr.Worrior Africa also specialize in curing the following disease:
*Kidney failure
*Eye Problem
*Skin Problem
*Fibroid Tumor
*Prostate Problem
*Weight Management
*Low sperm can
*Weak erection
*Weak ejaculation
*Skin Infection
*If you want your ex back.
*If you always have bad dreams.
*If you want to be promoted in your office.
For more information contact Dr.Worrior Africa via email:(, you can also call him on his mobile number +2348112276982 or (WHAt'sapp)

Unknown said...

Anorexia nervosa often simply called anorexia — is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, intense

fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of body weight. People with anorexia place a high value on controlling

their weight and shape, using extreme efforts that tend to significantly interfere with activities in their lives. We suggest

you the best Home Remedies For


Adam Walker said...

My name is Adam Walker, from USA, i am 45 years old, i started experiencing weak erection and premature ejaculation for the past 6 years, for this reason i have to separate from my wife because i wasn't satisfying her in bed and we always had issues every now and then, i tries to search for a solution i could not find, i went various hospital but all was up to no avail, so luckily for me i came across a man named GREAT PAPA , i contacted him through his email: , and i also had his whatssap +2348106431263, so i told him what has been going on with me and he said he could help me, i thought it was joke, so i gave him a try and to God who made me, he cured me with his herbal herpes, he made me a full man again, i was so active, i can now perform stronger and better than before, i got my wife back again, his product has no side effect. he cast the spell ask follows:
Low sperm count
Love spell
Herpes spell
HIV spell
Pregnancy spell
Marriage for spell
watering sperm
womb fertilization
penis erection
witch craft attack
s t d diseases
internal heat
low sperm count
long time sickness
with doctor,PAPA you are in safe hands your healing is assured, whatssap +2348106431263
you can contact him also for any kind of disease
cardiac problem

Adam Walker said...

My name is Adam Walker, from USA, i am 45 years old, i started experiencing weak erection and premature ejaculation for the past 6 years, for this reason i have to separate from my wife because i wasn't satisfying her in bed and we always had issues every now and then, i tries to search for a solution i could not find, i went various hospital but all was up to no avail, so luckily for me i came across a man named GREAT PAPA , i contacted him through his email: , and i also had his whatssap +2348106431263, so i told him what has been going on with me and he said he could help me, i thought it was joke, so i gave him a try and to God who made me, he cured me with his herbal herpes, he made me a full man again, i was so active, i can now perform stronger and better than before, i got my wife back again, his product has no side effect. he cast the spell ask follows:
Low sperm count
Love spell
Herpes spell
HIV spell
Pregnancy spell
Marriage for spell
watering sperm
womb fertilization
penis erection
witch craft attack
s t d diseases
internal heat
low sperm count
long time sickness
with doctor,PAPA you are in safe hands your healing is assured, whatssap +2348106431263
you can contact him also for any kind of disease
cardiac problem

kate said...

Am One of the happiest woman on earth since my son was cured from the problem of seizure,which he has been having for eight years now,he do have the attack two to three times a week,which is affecting is education and his life.i got the contact of a doctor from the post of one Mr smith thanking he for curing his seizure problem,i got the contact and contacted him then he made me to know that the medication is a permanent cure, and that was how i got the medication which i used on my son,and for six month now there have been no sign of seizure in him again.any one with such problem can contact him on his email

buay marry said...

Good day every one i want to inform the general public how i was cured of Herpes Virus Patient for good Five years i was loosing hope on myself my HUSBAND ran away from me because of my situation one day i was online and i met a recommend on how Dr Ebhota help her to cure herpes,so i still continue search i saw a testimony of someone again who has been healed from "HIV AND HEPATITIS B" by this Man Dr Ebhota and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i email Dr Ebhota telling him about my HERPES Virus he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured...oh i never believed it,well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man 2 weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr Ebhota assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE,hat is why i want you to join me thank Dr Ebhota for saving my life if you need help please contact him via email; or his cell number +2347086564868,

PAUL said...

NATURAL & EFFECTIVE TREATMENT TO SEIZURE: Our son has temporal lobe epilepsy, He has seizure and had a grand mal with rage, Our son's seizure is constant throughout the day according to EEG results. We had used several medicine which include: 600 Epitol 100 Zarontin,
150 Epitec X2 Daily Dopoquel and cilift, Keppra, Topomax lasted for about 3 days, but I put an end to that due to my son losing weight and being lethargic. I recently got dr williams herbal medicine,that's a natural medicine that cure my son Epilepsy with no side effect. It is an herbal medicine. it is a permanent cure and effective treatment of Epilepsy, for more info, you can contact Dr.William with this for advice and his product

Unknown said...

ALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS FOR THE GREAT DEED HE HAVE DON FOR MY FAMILY.This information will be useful for Epilepsy patients who is willing to use herbal medicine. My daughter had temporal lobe epilepsy, She had seizure and had a grand mal with rage episode. Our daughter's seizure is constant throughout the day. We had used several medicine which include: Epilim and Keppra, experience seizure control at the cost of serious debilitating side effects. It was during a casual conversation with a friend that I learned about herbal Dr. William, it does not have any side effect. I am glad to say that he has been seizure-free since July of 2016 after taking William medicine. this a miracle cure?contact him for more detail (

Camala said...

My name Paul, from USA, i am 45 years old, i started experiencing weak erection

and premature ejaculation for the past 6 years, for this reason i have to separate from my

wife because i wasn't satisfying her in bed and we always had issues every now and then, i

tries to search for a solution i could not find, i went various hospital but all was up to

no avail, so luckily for me i came across a man named GREAT OLA , i contacted him through

his ,whatssap +2348106431263 So i told him what has been going on with me and he

said he could help me, i thought it was joke, so i gave him a try and to God who made me,

he cured me with his medication, he made me a full man again, i was so active, i can now

perform stronger and better than before, i got my wife back again, his product has no side

effect. he cast the spell ask follows:
Low sperm count
Love spell
Herpes spell
HIV spell
Pregnancy spell
Marriage for spell
watering sperm
womb fertilization
penis erection
witch craft attack
s t d diseases
internal heat
low sperm count
long time sickness
with GREAT OLA you are in safe hands your healing is assure , whatssap +2348106431263
you can contact him also for any kind of disease
cardiac problem

Unknown said...

We have Quality Rick Simpson Cannabis oil and medical marijuana for smokers, all types of cancer cure, insomnia,Diabetes,epilepsy,back pain,we also have the herbs that reduces stress and other illness. We are selling our products at very negotiable and workable prices. Apart from our very magnificent prices, when you buy from us, you are assured of the highest quality and purity available in the market,and we are 100% sure of our product, with a guaranteed discreet courier shipping or a special 24 hours confidential overnight delivery of the product to your address. We respect and value your privacy and will dont share your information with anyone. We offer discreet and Reliable packaging and delivery. -Fast and reliable shipment within 24hours within the US and 48 hours internationally, using courier service. Call or Text::::: +1936-2283-155, Email: for more information

Anonymous said...

I am Matthias lang, from Orlando u s a, i suffered from epilepsy for 28 years, i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be like every normal human, i contacted so many doctors on this issue,and i have use so many western drugs prescribe by various doctors and all was no avail, because i was determined to get my life back, one day i was researching for this on internet and i saw a post about devansh herbal health care who cure different manners of diseases, including epilepsy, I contacted him via email: and made purchase of the epilepsy herb, i received the herb through USPS within 24 hours, when i received the herb i applied it as prescribed, and to god be the glory i was totally cured of epilepsy within 1 months of usages,my dear brothers and sisters You do not have to suffer more just contact him for his medicine on he will definitely put an end to that problem of yours

Daisy Mendoza said...

I will like to share my testimony to you all.i got married to my husband about three year ago we start having problems after two years of the marriage, like we stop sleeping on the same bed, fighting about little things he always comes home late at night, drinking too much and sleeping with other women outside, i have never love any man in my life except him, he is the father of my two children and I don't want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today, few months ago he now decided to live me and the kids, being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so I have nobody to turn to, I was heart broken.i called my mom and explain every thing to her, my mother told me about Dr Ehighaloa, how he helped her solve the problems between her and my dad, my dad always snow at night, if he is sleeping at night, his snowing will even wake our neighbors, it became a big problem in my hood, that led to the brake up between my parents, I was surprise when my mom told me that Dr Ehighaloa had helped him stop his snowing, and brought them together, i was surprise about it because they have been without each other for three and half years and it was like a miracle how they came back to each other, and how my dad stop snoring, that was how i was directed to Dr Ehighaloa, and explain everything to him, so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell and make things come back to how we where so much in love again and that it was another lady that cast a spell on him, that was controlling my husband, he told me that my problem will be solved within 30 hours if I believe I said yes, So he cast a spell for me and after 29 hours my love came back asking me to forgive him.i Am so happy now, so that why I decided to share my experience and testimony with every body that have such problems contact him email. you can as well call him on his number +2348134548904 or wathsapp him on +2348144661207

Death Spell
At the process these are the things he told me he can do for any person who is interested .. contact him on his private email and explain what you want him to do for you i assure you he shall help,His email is or

Anonymous said...

My son recently started having grand Mal seizures at 16 years old. We were prescribed Kepler. We decided NOT to take the medicine and go with a Modified Atkins Diet that entails feeding our son 15 carbs a day with lots of healthy fat. He eats a lot of grass fed beef, free range eggs, organic low crab veggies and is doing fantastic! We could tell a difference in him by the 3rd day. This is not alternative or junk science. Dr. Lewis hill at Johns Hopkins has been championing this diet for years and has been really successful. Doctors are really resistant to this therapy but it works!. Read "Grain Brain" for why it works. He also takes taurine which helped stop the night time teeth grinding, jerking, and unrest in his sleep (also known to stop seizures). And he takes cur cumin as a brain protestant that raises day came across Albert post thanking Dr Lewis hill for curing his son seizure problem, and i got the contact of Dr Lewis hill i quickly contacted him then he made me to know that the medication is 100% permanent cure, and that was how i got the medicine which i used for my son, after which i took my son for medical test It worked! Over a year now, my son have not show any symptoms of seizure and I believe my son is cure if you need his help email him on

Smith Elena said...

I had my first seizure. I was in high school and didn't want anyone to know that I had epilepsy. I had seizures on two occasions. I was so ashamed and didn't want people to think that something was wrong with me. I finally got to the point where I told people that I had epilepsy. I came to the place that I realized that I had to own my epilepsy or it would control me. Epilepsy hadn't really affected my life until about 9 years ago after my first child was born... I am a wife and mother of two beautiful children. I have lived with epilepsy for 20 years Yet, my life has been dramatically impacted by epilepsy. I had search for cure online without no hope. I met a Man called DR Lewis hill, i contact him I made an order of his medicine and I do not experience seizure anymore i was cured form it. So if you are in the same situation as mine contact him on this email

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because quickly ejaculation each time I'm having sex with my partner. This have cause a big problem in many of my relationship, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr. Ogala and I decided to email him on: so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills and I'm now very strong in bed, and i can make love for more than 1 hour. My partner now respect me. Thanks to Dr. Ogala. he have save my life and my relationship. I'm so happy.. For those who are have the same situation should feel free to contact DR Ogala on his Email: or you can also call him on the phone +2348110496023

Unknown said...

My name is sarah jack I am from USA.
I never thought i would be here today sharing my testimony because my predicaments seemed to be the worst of all bfore i met this great prophet.
I saw so many spell casters online but their works towards helping me to get pregnant were all null and void.
I would say that prophet abudu is one of the greatest and true among the spell casters we have today. i was in a deep mess. my whole life was shattered. because i had lost my husband to my best friend as i was unable to conceive.
To cut the long story short, i met with this powerful spell caster via his website
And today my ex is back to me. he apologized for the wrongs he did and today i am happy to say that now and i am carrying his child.
All thanks to prophet abudu for his wonderful works. his methods are unique, fast, reliable and consistent. i urge all readers today. what is that situation you are facing? search no further just contact this great prophet . He has totally changed my life for good and i believe he can help you too

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody. I recently saw a testimony about Dr. Todd in a blog I visit for relationship and dating counseling problems because i had been having serious issues with my boyfriend and we had been dating for six months, he just suddenly changed,he wasnt returning my calls,he started cheating,he was hurting me in many ways i never thought possible and I just thought I should try it*maybe out of desperation of some sort*..and I contacted Dr. Todd..At first everything felt dreamy and unbelievable,his consultations and solution was a little bit easy and strange and I was scared a little coz I heard read and heard lots of stories of fake spell casters,scams and i never really believed in magic..I played along with a little hope and and faith and I sent some few stuffs after everything and it worked like a miracle,everything went to a while new direction,it was and is amazing...I guess it was all good faith that made me read That particular post that faithful day..I hope he could help other people too like he did me...I did a little and I got everything I wanted and wished for*my husband,my family and my life back. E-mail:

Smith said...

my name is Brenda, i want to thank God for using Dr Boadi to bless my life,recover my job and most especially for using him to recover my ex back. I dated this man for almost five years now and we were preparing to get married but something happen and every thing disorganized,since then i have been looking for solution on how i will get him back until my friend introduce me to this man Dr boadi a great spell caster ,who cast a spell for me to recover him back,and not only that he also help me to recover my job back.
Sir, I must say you are a great spell caster,please world help me to thank this Dr boadi on his email: or reach him on WhatsApp +2348144964531 please sir keep your good work because people need your helping hand in there lives.

Anonymous said...

GOD has certainly lead me here this hour because before sharing this I prayed he lead me to site where my testimony will become blessing to people lives. I found out 4years ago that I was infected with HIV because I was engaged to a man that i knew I should have never had in my life. Like most of us here the HOLY SPIRIT was warning me but I decided to do what I wanted . He never came out to tell me he had it I just happened to go through some old stuff he left at my house and there some antiviral meds appeared . I got checked and was diagnosed. It instantly felt like agony!!! The enemy tempt me with suicide,depression and all kinds of unhealthy emotion. I was looking for love in all the wrong places and people. The enemy kept speaking to me that my life was over.. But one day I quickly with tears in my eyes prayed to GOD for healing. And GOD showed me a vision that my cure is in nature I woke up prayed over it, gradually I started having passion for herbs then gradually I started using for treatment. One evening I think early February this year after my evening prayer I was on a site on herbal remedies for STD and a page was telling possible cure for herpes, then on peoples comments I saw testimonies of people telling how same DR yakubu have successfully cured them of herpes and he cured all manner of STD including HIV. I copied his contact.. .... That same night in my dream I was in the doctor office and the doctor telling me there’s been a mistake THAT I’M FREE FROM ANY DISEASE in my body. I woke up the next morning and prayed over it then contacted DR YAKUBU who immediately responded to me he talked to me and assured me of permanent cure if I finish taking certain quantity of his meds of which I ordered for immediately and started use. Within few weeks of use I noticed total relieved in my body system then went for a test and was confirmed negative and another test and the result was same. Glory be to GOD who cured me as he promised. God is real and he still saves humans through fellow humans. Reach DR YAKUBU through his e-mail;

Anonymous said...

I'm 15 years old. I was born with HIV my mother passed away because of the HIV infection And I regret why i never met Dr Itua he could have cured my mum for me because as a single mother it was very hard for my mother I came across Dr itua healing words online about how he cure different disease in different races diseases like HIV/Aids Herpes,Parkison,Copd,Epilepsy,Shingles,Cold Sore,Infertility, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome,Fibromyalgia, Diabetes Hepatitis even Cancer I was so excited but frighten at same time because I haven't come across such thing article online then I contacted Dr Itua on Mail I also chat with him on what's app +2348149277967 he tells me how it works then I tell him I want to proceed I paid him so swiftly Colorado post office I receive my herbal medicine within 4/5 working days he gave me guild lines to follow and here am I living healthy again can imagine how god use men to manifest his works am I writing in all articles online to spread the god work of Dr Itua Herbal Medicine,He's a Great Man.

Gloria said...

My name is Gloria from Senegal, I came in here to confirm Hepatitis B. testimony that I red online some months ago. I red about how Dr. Iyabiye cured one Mr. Henry and I decided to give it a try to see if my sister could be healed or cured too, behold doctor Iyabiye is indeed a sent to help people out of this miserable disease. My sister was dying of hepatitis b her stomach was swollen and complained of pains and weaknesses in her body, I came across iyabiye’s contact online while checking about hepatitis. My sister got cured after she applied his medication for a month, I learnt also that he cure genital herpes. I am here to thank Dr. Iyabiye and to encourage people to reach him for help through: Call/Whatsapp: +2348072229413

Amanda Bella said...

I Want To Appreciate Dr.OYAGU for hs great deeds, I Was Diagnosed With type 2 Herpes Virus Last year,And Was Look For Solution To Be Cured Luckily I Saw Testimonies On How Dr.OYAGU Cure Herpes Virus I Decided To Contact Dr.OYAGU I Contacted Him He Prepared A Herbal Medicine Portion And Sent It To Me,I Started The Herbal Medicine For My Health.He Gave Me Step By Step Instructions On How To Apply It, When I Applied It As Instructed, I Was Cured Of This Deadly Herpes Within 2 weeks, I Am Now Herpes Negative.My Brother And Sister I No That There Are So Many People That Have There Same Herpes Virus Please contact Dr OYAGU To Help You Too,And Help Me To Thank Dr.OYAGU For Cure Me, I’m Cured By Dr. OYAGU Herbal Medicine,His Contact

Or Cell Whatsapp Number +2348101755322 thank you .....

Rebecca Eller said...

Spell to fix your broken marriage or relationship problem or after a divorce or Breakup,I was recently scam by two of them, until one faithful day i meet a man called Dr Oselumen who help me to get back to the father of my kid after we have been separated for two years,I only pay for the items required for the spell and he cast the spell for me within 24hours my ex husband called me and beg me to forgive him for everything until the end of the world he will never leave me again we are back together.if you need a real and quick love spell or you are passing through pregnancy problem Dr Oselumen is the answer, Please if any body needs. LOVE SPELL,LOTTERY,PREGNANCY SPELL, DIVORCE SPELL,STOP COURT CASE AND WIN ANY COURT PROBLEM,DEATH SPELL,BUSINESS SPELL AND MANY MORE YOU MAY NEED. Email him now for your own help. via email add him on whatsapp line or call +2348054265852.

Unknown said...

Ask Me.

Here comes an Affordable and Legit Loan that will change your life for ever, I am Dave Logan a certified loan lender, I offer loan to individual and public sector that are in need of financial Assistance in a low interest rate of 2%. Bad credit acceptable,The Terms and Conditions are very simple and considerate.You will never regret anything in this loan transaction because i will make you smile. Email: ( have you been looking for a quick and legit loan online why don't you try Dr. Dave Logan loan company and be free from debts note getting a loan from this company is 100% assured and guaranteed. for the bible says””Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.so do not let these opportunity pass you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.

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Dana Lynn said...

Good day. I'm Mrs Lynn and I want to quickly share something with you. As of January 2019, I was having issues with my health and I was forced to go to the hospital. Only to be diagnosed of cancer. And as if that wasn't bad enough, it was prostate cancer. I felt like my greatest fear has finally caught up with me. I lived life like I wasn't existing no more. I was depressed, frustrated and most a times I contemplated suicide. Then one day while going through the internet checking for ways to get cured because I was getting sick of the too many drugs I was taking I stumbled across a post about a doctor called DR.Ehiaguna. I quickly messaged him because I was really desperate. I got a reply from DR.Ehiaguna and he told me what to do. And I did exactly as I was told and under two week I noticed changes. I could do things I normally found to be difficult and today I am cancer free and I will be forever grateful to doctor DR.Ehiaguna because he saved my life. Are you a cancer patient? Do you want to live a cancer free life? Then leave doctor Ehiaguna a message also WhatsApp him +2348073908953 and you'll be glad you did And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer  ETC

David Peter said...

*Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with Herpes is by taking natural herbs medicine for it and is only few American doctors that know about this herbal medicine from Dr odion.. I have read about Dr odion the great herbalist doctor from African who can cure Herpeewith his powerful herbal medicine. for the people suffering from the following diseases Hiv, Herpes, Cancer, Als,Herpatitis, Diabetes, Hpv,Infections ETC should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of Herpes. Although, i sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine which i took for two weeks and today when i went for test i was tested Herpes negative and he can also cure herpes etc you can reach him through his WhatsApp number:+2349019421176 he will help you out or email*

Silva Tim said...

I freely have
promise to the people keep telling good things about @doctor_drosa #healthcareadministration he can as well cure 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4. ALS 5. HEPATITIS B 6. DIABETES 7. HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS DISEASE (HPV) 8. ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris if you have any body that need help just give them @doctor_drosa contact on can alsocontactdoctor on Gmail

Healthblogs said...

Really cool post, highly informative and professionally written..Good Job meeks heit health and wellness answer key

Florence said...

I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their email at . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!

Anonymous said...

It is a very hard situation when playing the lottery and never won, or keep winning low fund not up to 100 bucks, i have been a victim of such a tough life, the biggest fund i have ever won was 100 bucks, and i have been playing lottery for almost 12 years now, things suddenly change the moment i came across a secret online, a testimony of a spell caster called dr emu, who help people in any type of lottery numbers, i was not easily convinced, but i decided to give try, now i am a proud lottery winner with the help of dr emu, i won $1,000.0000.00 and i am making this known to every one out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery, believe me this is the only way to win the lottery.

Contact him on email
What's app +2347012841542

Dr, Benjamin Owen said...


Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Then consider your financial problems over. We Offer LOANS from $3,000.00 Min to $30,000,000.00 Max with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 35 years to pay back the loan secure and unsecured. Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap.Kindly reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses NO MATTER YOUR CREDIT SCORE. GET YOUR INSTANT LOAN APPROVAL 100% GUARANTEED TODAY VIA WhatsApp:+19292227023 Email:

Unknown said...

Do you need a solution for male infertility like: AZOOSPERMIA, LOW SPERM COUNT, WEAK ERECTION, and PREMATURE EJACULATION? Look no further! Dr. Uduehi has the cure/remedy to any type of male infertility. It’s been 4 months since he cured me of azoospermia and my spouse is currently pregnant for me. I was diagnosed of Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA), which people believes it’s impossible to be cured or treated. But with Dr Uduehi’s medication, I got cured. I am expecting a baby anytime soon and I was introduced to the doctor by someone whom he treated of low sperm count. So, I deemed it fit to share my experience with the doctor to the general public and to give hope to those who don’t know who to meet for their problems. The doctor’s contact: ( (+2347084878384)

West Valary said...

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I'm a science writer, a jewelry design artist, a bookworm, a complete geek, and mom to a wonderful kitty. I am also recovering from a decade-plus battle with anorexia nervosa. I believe that complete recovery is possible, and that the first step along that path is full nutrition.

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nour·ish: (v); to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; to cherish, foster, keep alive; to strengthen, build up, or promote


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