Sunday Smörgåsbord

It's once again time for your weekly Sunday Smorgasbord, where I trawl the web for the latest in ED-related news, research, and more so you don't have to.

A case series describing the successful, innovative five-day intensive family therapy program at UCSD.

Treatment of chronic anorexia nervosa: a 4-year follow-up of adult patients treated in an acute inpatient setting.

Diet drinks--even those in "skinny" cans--won't help you lose weight. Just sayin'. It's crass and tacky, although I don't think it has crap to do with eating disorders.

Hello, I Am Fat. Lindy West writes "Shame is a tool of oppression, not change."

Why you don't need to weigh yourself everyday. The title says "how to stop weighing yourself everyday," but there really weren't any tips for how to stop the Scale Dance. {{Shut up, you've done it too.}}

10 Things Eating Disorder Recovery Taught Me (NOT related to food & weight).

Reluctance to Recover in Anorexia Nervosa.

Two Lessons Everyone Should Learn About Eating Disorders.

Educational and support intervention to help families assist in the recovery of relatives with eating disorders.

Great film by Becky Henry on kicking ED out of your life.

Purging disorder: Psychopathology and treatment outcomes.

Discrimination and EDNOS: One Woman’s Story.

The effect of pre-exposure and recovery type on activity-based anorexia in rats.

Interview with Dr. Lock about Brain Activity and eating disorders.

The average human eats 100 trillion genes a day.

How Food Heals.

Family-Based Obesity Program for Kids Has Lasting Benefits, says study.

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Katie said...

I am a little bemused by the study into the reluctance to recover in anorexia. Yes, it is important to know why people with eating disorders are scared of recovery, but not wanting to recover is a symptom of eating disorders, not a rational objection to treatment. It's already treated as a great excuse to turf patients out of treatment (they weren't motivated enough!), I can't see how a study like this is going to improve matters. My gut instinct tells me that addressing the concerns about recovery of people with eating disorders is important, but it may be even more so to gently but firmly reassure them that reluctance to recover is just part of the illness, and that very often this mindset will not change until they are already in the process of recovery.

Jenni Schaefer's article is sweet :) recovery has taught me some completely random things as well.

Carrie Arnold said...


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. That's exactly what I was thinking.

It is important to understand why patients are reluctant to recover (or what positive things they are getting from the ED) so that a therapist can address these issues. But as you said, the reluctance can persist long into recovery and isn't necessarily a hindrance.

hm said...

As a life long ed girl, I can say with powerful vehemence that I want to recover about as bad as my son wanted to learn to take a crap on the potty. You'd THINK a kid would understand that it's "cleaner," "nicer," whatever. But they've lived their whole life shitting in the warmth of a diaper, and are suddenly told to sit naked on a cold hard plastic seat and drop their shit into a bowl of water and it just feels... SCARY. And hard. And unreasonable. And 100% unappealing.

Do I want to live? Yes. Do I want to recover? Nope. Recovery sucks. My therapist is currently choosing recovery FOR me- I'm being strong-armed. Sometimes I'm pissed off about this. Other times I'm relieved. Reluctance seems like the only rational reaction to being forced to do something uncomfortable. Emphasis (in my opinion) should be placed on relieving the symptoms of anxiety and distress that arrive as a person is being pushed past their reluctance. If my therapist and I talked about why I'm scared of doing this, that's all we'd ever cover. She has told me that recovery is not optional. It is much MORE productive to talk about how to cope with the anxiety of doing this than why I don't want to, since I have to do it anyway.

hm said...

On a different note, I wonder if those clinical trials in which they follow up on anorexics x number of years past treatment are reliable? Because here's the thing. If I entered treatment, signed up for a study, and I knew someone would be weighing and measuring and assessing me 4 years down the road, I'd decide RIGHT NOW that I wouldn't be gaining ANY more weight until at least 4 years and 1 day FROM right now. Or that if I did gain anything, I'd be sure to get it back off before the checkpoint. I'd be terrified. Maybe that's not everyone. Maybe that's just me. But wow. I couldn't handle that. No- I will happily stay unstudied- and hopefully this recovery will stick.

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I'm a science writer, a jewelry design artist, a bookworm, a complete geek, and mom to a wonderful kitty. I am also recovering from a decade-plus battle with anorexia nervosa. I believe that complete recovery is possible, and that the first step along that path is full nutrition.

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nour·ish: (v); to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; to cherish, foster, keep alive; to strengthen, build up, or promote


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