Sunday Smörgåsbord

It's once again time for your weekly Sunday Smorgasbord, where I trawl the web for the latest ED-related news, research and more, so you don't have to.

Save Adelaide's Only Eating Disorder Clinic: Stop the closure of Flinders Medical Centre's eating disorder ward

Top 8 reasons why you relapse during eating disorder treatment.

Why Is It So Damn Hard to Change?

Year In Dieting: Distraction, Noise Cause Overeating.

Join the New Year's Revolution, HAES-style.

Recovery from Eating Disorders: A New Year of Hope.

Anxiety in anorexia nervosa and its management using family-based treatment.

Mental Health Vocab Glossary. It's your one-way ticket out of acronym hell.

Measuring self-report obsessionality in anorexia nervosa.

Google Body. No, really. Raise your hand if you hear the sound of your free time being sucked into the vortex of the Internet.

Electrophysiology of appetitive taste and appetitive taste conditioning in humans.

Effects of distraction and focused attention on actual and perceived food intake in females with non-clinical eating psychopathology.

Avoidance of affect in the eating disorders.

Eating disorders in adolescents: Correlations between symptoms and central control of eating behavior.

Biases in emotional processing are associated with vulnerability to eating disorders over time.

The impact of perceived social support and negative life events on bulimic symptoms.

Coping and social support as potential moderators of the relation between anxiety and eating disorder symptomatology.

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Anonymous said...

Hand up!

Cathy (UK) said...

Some interesting papers, as usual :) And I like 'Google Body'...

But ugh, I dislike the HAES page. I actually support HAES, because the science behind it is fairly robust; however, the jargon is awful. What I mean by that are phrases like:

"I'm starting a New Year's Revolution. I've changed my profile pic to an image that inspires me to love my body..."

and -

"Join me and spread body love, acceptance, and liberation!..."

I'm not sure what I dislike about these phrases, but they make me shudder. I'd far rather this type of stuff be promoted in a less emotive manner, without terms such as 'revolution' and 'body love'.

HikerRD said...

Regarding HAES, the concept of self acceptance, even to allow individuals to begin to take better care of themself through lifestyle changes, is a great one. But how they communicate their messages needs work, so I'm with you, Cathy. Perhaps someone could give them some website design assistance, too. Is that being too appearance-focused? Forgive me!

Cathy (UK) said...

@HikerRD: I don't think the 'problem' with the website relates to appearance focus; it's about terminology and writing style.

Perhaps this style appeals to many people and that is why the terminology has been chosen.

My understanding was that HAES is more about accepting the idea that people who are considered overweight by BMI standards (and we all know that BMI is not a good measure of adiposity, or health, but that's another story...) can still be healthy if they consume a well balanced diet and are physically active (though not exercise 'addicts'...).

I went to a HAES conference in the UK in 2006. Much of the data presented related to the idea that one can be fit and healthy, despite being overweight, that there are many factors that influence health, and that crucially, 'yo-yo' dieting is more dangerous to health than is remaining overweight (though not necessarily obese).

The conference wasn't about 'loving your body' or 'revolutions'...

In the Q&A session I actually argued against the notion of term 'Health At Every Size' (HAES) because clearly indivduals with low weight AN are not healthy - either physically or mentally.

Carrie Arnold said...


Not surprisingly, I totally agree with you.

I do think that one of the many sticks that people who are viewed as "overweight" or "obese" use to beat themselves up is that they are unhealthy, a drain on society, etc. I often felt very low at the thought of my ED treatment, and so I can see how letting go of the self-hatred due to weight can be incredibly powerful.

Even on my days when the body dysmorphia isn't that bad, I don't "love" my body. I appreciate that it's healthy and that it lets me do some really fun stuff, but no, I don't love my body. Never have.

That being said, I would rather hear messages about loving your body than Botox, Weight Watchers, and other inane advertisements. I really dislike the body focus--why not preach about loving your insides, too? Alas.

You're right, Cathy, the science is extremely robust. To me, the message of HAES is that weight is not the sole indicator of health. I've known people with AN whose actual setpoint weights are just slightly in the "underweight" range, but they're healthy and eating well and no ED stuff. I've known people with AN whose setpoints are also in the "overweight" and higher range. And they're healthy and eating well. Self-acceptance can dramatically decrease stress, which is basically universally good for health outcomes.

HikerRD, thank you for your thoughts as well. I love my readers!

hm said...

Needed a bit of encouragement today, and so decided to check out the video link on the top 8 reasons for relapse- it was actually really, really good! She reiterates lots of the stresses and struggles you and we readers/commenters moan about, but puts them into the light of logic. Her best points (for me) were these: 1. It's hard to stay on track b/c your brain and body are starving, therefore ill-equipped to make good decisions (hence the need for someone else to be there to choose for you when you cannot choose recovery for yourself) and 2. these lines- self-awareness is the key to freedom from an eating disorder/awareness is a state of acknowledgement without judgement. Well done video. The part about the cat was sad and distressing though.

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I'm a science writer, a jewelry design artist, a bookworm, a complete geek, and mom to a wonderful kitty. I am also recovering from a decade-plus battle with anorexia nervosa. I believe that complete recovery is possible, and that the first step along that path is full nutrition.

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nour·ish: (v); to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; to cherish, foster, keep alive; to strengthen, build up, or promote


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