Sunday Smörgåsbord

It's your Sunday Smorgasbord, where I trawl the web for the latest ED-related news, research, and more so you don't have to!

Being fat is not a crime. Although really? We don't need to ask why some people are skinny, so why are we asking why others are fat?  Some people have more adipose tissue and that's all there is to it.  It's not a flaw or defect, it's just a fact.

How to Winterize Your Body to Stay Fit and Healthy in the Cold Months Ahead.

Hard work improves the taste of food.

Mirror, Mirror - A summary of research findings on body image.
From Farm to Fridge to Garbage Can--How Much Food is Wasted.
Positive Body Image is Always In Season: 7 Tips for Better Body Image Boosting.
Gastric bypass alters sweet taste function.
The real reason we're lazy.
Is Fat Studies the new Underwater Basketweaving? Studying weight bias is to "pro-fat propoganda" as studying the Civil Rights movement is to "pro-black propoganda."
The Taste Of Coke Is All In Your Head.
Exercise interventions for women with AN: A review of the literature.

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Katie said...

I would be interested to know by what criteria the anorexics in the study of diet and exercise in recovered people were deemed recovered. I have often thought that a lot of people with EDs sort of half recover and live the rest of their lives with sub-threshold EDs (or orthorexia), but I don't think this happens to everyone. I know quite a few recovered people who definitely don't show orthorexic or compulsive exercising tendencies, and I think it's important for people to know that suffering from an eating disorder doesn't mean that you will always be obsessed or even concerned with food, years after recovery. I want research to study people who have really overthrown their eating disorder...

I couldn't help but notice (sorry, what a pedant!) that the Mirror Mirror article had 1997 written at the bottom. Surely body image research has moved on hugely since then, with all the more recent studies into the biological basis of eating behaviour?

Unknown said...

oh i'm really interested in reading the 'from farm to fridge to garbage can' article!!

love your sunday smorgasbords. thanks girl

hm said...

From the Fat Studies article: "Most of Johnson's students are female. A few are recovering from eating disorders; their cheeks are hollow and their scrawny arms droop like slack rubber bands. About a quarter of the class is slightly overweight."
Ummm... anyone else think this is a bit RUDE? Why are the underweight people singled out and described in such meticulous, insulting detail? Not nice. It's not ok to insult overweight people OR underweight people. What's wrong w/this author???

Incredible Eating Anorexics said...

hm, i agreem. Its pretty hypocritical of society in general to go on about not judging by appearance, its whats inside that counts, people with deformities etc shouldn't be made fun of or whatever, cant be racist etc, but aye, fine, if you see someone very thin and skinny fire in and say what you like. If I described someone as being fat, having spare tyres round their waste and an arse the size of china, i'm pretty sure that would be bad. butttttt call a skinny a gaunt drawn famine victim or whatever, thats ok. bla apolgies if i make no sense. x

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I'm a science writer, a jewelry design artist, a bookworm, a complete geek, and mom to a wonderful kitty. I am also recovering from a decade-plus battle with anorexia nervosa. I believe that complete recovery is possible, and that the first step along that path is full nutrition.

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nour·ish: (v); to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; to cherish, foster, keep alive; to strengthen, build up, or promote


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